Viewing and adding Skills for a team member

Navigate to the team member's profile page.

On the team member's profile page, select the Skills process:

Screenshot: Selecting the Service hosting the Skills process

WX displays the Skills page for the team member.

Add a new skill

You can add a skill to a team member if you are the team member's manager or a cross reporting manager with Edit access.

To add a new skill for the team member:

  1. On the Skills page for the team member, select New.

    Screenshot: New button for Skills

    WX displays the New Skill view:

    Screenshot: New Skill view

  2. In the Skill section use the picklists to select a skill from the Skill Library.
  3. In the Current Level section enter the following details:

    Field What to enter


    Select the team member's current level of skill. WX displays picklist options relevant for the skill you have chosen.

    Expiry Date

    A future date when the team member will need to refresh the skill. The team member's manager is sent an alert in their Actions Digest on the skill expiry date.


    A text description summarizing the experience that the team member has with this skill.

  4. In the Required level section enter the following details: 

    Field What to enter

    Needs Development

    Checkbox. If checked, WX displays a Required Level picklist for you to select the level of skill you want the team member to achieve.

  5. In the Attachment section enter an optional attachment as follows:

    Field What to enter

    Add New

    Select to attach a file with content relevant to this skill. For example, a certificate as evidence of the level of skill, a training document for the team member to use.

  6. To save the skill select Save.