Creating a performance review template

To create a new template:

  1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.
  2. On the Template Library Home page, select New.

    Sage People displays the New Template Library Item page:

    Screenshot: New Template Library Item page

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field What to enter


    A name for the template. The template name is displayed in WX for managers and employees to select when running a performance review. Use a name that makes the template easy to identify in a list, such as Full Year Review Finance.


    Picklist. Select the picklist and choose Performance Review.


    A brief description of the template.

  4. Select Next.

    Sage People displays the Performance Review Template Edit page:

    Screenshot: Performance Review Template Edit page

  5. For each section - Manager Review, Self Review, Additional Details, and Continuous Feedback - build the performance review template by dragging fields from the Available Fields list on the left and dropping them into the Selected Fields list on the right. Smaller screen sizes may display Selected Fields below Available Fields within each section.

    The Available Fields lists include managed package fields and custom fields created in your org. The fields for Manager Review and Additional Details section come from the Performance Review object, the fields for Self Review section from the Self Performance Review object, and the fields for Continuous Feedback from the Feedback Item object.

    You need to create any custom fields in the relevant object before you can add it to a template—you cannot do it on this page. For more information about adding a new field, see Adding custom fields. In the Performance Review process in WX, custom picklist fields are displayed after all other custom field types. Formula fields in performance review templates are supported in the Performance Overview process in WX but can cause issues or not display correctly in the Performance Review process.

    • Drag fields to the Selected Fields panel into the order you want them to appear on the review form.
    • Each section - Manager Review, Self Review, Additional Details, and Continuous Feedback - is stored as a separate and unique template version.
    • Mark fields that must be completed for the review by checking the Required checkbox:

      Screenshot: Required checkboxes on the Performance Review Template Edit page

    • When setting up a template for continuous feedback, select exclusively from the Available Fields displayed in the Continuous Feedback section:

      Screenshot: Available Fields section for Continuous Feedback

    • You can move selected fields back into the Available Fields list, but bear in mind that after a template has been used as the basis for a review you cannot delete any custom fields used in a template from the Performance Review object. Deleting fields used in performance reviews stops the Performance Review process from working.
  6. Select Save.

    Sage People creates the necessary template versions and Template Field objects, and displays the Template Library Item Detail page:

    Screenshot: Template Library Item Detail page showing Template Versions Related list

    The Template Versions related list shows the Manager, Self, and Additional Details component versions for the template.

    Newly created templates are saved in draft status, and must be published before you can use them for performance reviews. You can edit a template in draft status.

  7. When the template is ready to use for performance reviews, select Publish:

    Screenshot: Publish button on the Template Library Item Detail page

    The Template is converted to Published status and the Publish button is replaced with Unpublish:

    Screenshot: Template Library Item Detail page an Unpublish button for a published template


    You can now use the template for performance reviews. To add conditions to control when the template can be selected, define constraints and link them to the template.

    You can return a published template to Draft status by selecting Unpublish on the Template Library Item Detail page.