Editing a template

  1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.
  2. On the Template Library Home page, select the template you want to edit. Draft templates have the Published checkbox unchecked:

    Screenshot: Recent Template Library list view, showing the Published column

  3. On the Template Library Item Detail page, select Edit:

    Screenshot: Edit button on the Template Library Item Detail page

    Sage People displays the Performance Review Template Edit page.

  4. Make the changes you want - edit the template name or description, or move fields between selected and available lists.
  5. When you have completed your changes, select Save.

If the template status is Published, a new version of the template is created, including the Manager Review, Self Review, and Additional Details field definitions, preserving the earlier version:

Screenshot: Template Versions Related list with six template versions


Do not delete custom fields from the Performance Review object if they are included in a template used as the basis for one or more performance reviews.

Deleting fields used in performance reviews stops the Performance Review process from working.