Approving a form

If the Forms process has been set up to require manager approval for Team Member forms, as a manager you receive an action to approve each form submitted by a member of your team:

Screenshot: An action to approve a form in WX

To approve a Form:

  1. Select Approve Forms in the Actions list:

    Screenshot: Approve Forms button in WX Actions page

    WX displays the submitted form:

    Screenshot: Approve Forms view

  2. Check the form. You can:

    • Approve the form. Select Approve.

      The action to approve the form is removed from your Actions list.

    • Reject the form. Select Reject.

      The action to approve the Form is removed from your Actions list.

      If the form is still required, the Team Member must create and submit a new form.

    • Close the form without taking any action. Select Cancel or Close.

      The action to approve the form remains on your Actions list.