Starting a new form

  1. In the menu, select the forms process:

    Screenshot: selecting the WX menu item hosting the Forms process

  2. In the detail view, select New:

    Screenshot: Selecting New to start a new form

    WX displays the New Form view:

    Screenshot: New Form dialog

  3. Select the Available Forms picklist and select the Form you want to complete:

    Screenshot: Selecting a Form from the Available Forms picklist

  4. Select Start:

    Screenshot: Selecting Start for the selected form

    WX displays the Edit Forms view with the Form for completion:

    Screenshot: Edit Forms page for the selected form

  5. You can:

    • Complete the Form and select Submit.

      If the Forms process has been set up to require manager approval for Team Member Forms, your manager receives an Action to approve the Form.

    • Start completing the Form and select Save, then Close.

      The Form is saved in its partly complete state and is available from your Forms Detail view for later completion.

    • Close the form without starting it.

      The Form remains available from your Forms Detail view for later completion.