New Job Description

Note Your organization can control which details you can view and edit in the self-service portal. If you need to update details that you are unable to change in the portal, contact your HR team.

If a team member has a new job or if their existing job description needs amending, create a new job description to define and record what the job entails.

  1. Navigate to the team member's profile.

  2. Select the Job Description process from the drop-down menu:

    Screenshot: Job Description process selected from the team member profile

    WX displays the Job Description page.

  3. On the Detail view select New:

    Screenshot: Selecting New on the Job Description detail view

    WX displays the New Job Description view:

    Screenshot: New Job Description view showing the Copy Job Description From:, Title, Grade, and Key Responsibilities fields

    You can base a new job description on:

    • The most recent job description for the team member, if there is one.
    • A job description from the job description library, entered by the HR manager. You will see a list of all job descriptions in the library. If the team member has a job grade assigned, the list can be limited to job descriptions for that job grade.
    • A job description for another Team Member.
    • A blank job description.

    If the team member has a job description already entered in either Manager Draft or Team Member Draft status then you are taken directly to that draft. A team member cannot have two job descriptions in draft.

  4. To copy an existing Job Description, select the Copy Job Description From picklist, and select the Job Description you want to use:

    Screenshot: Copy Job Description From: picklist open, showing items under Job Description Library and Job Description Team Members headings

    WX copies details from the Job Description held in the library to the Team Member's Job Description.

  5. To create a completely new Job Description, enter the following details:

    Field What to enter

    Job Title

    A short job title.


    The job grade.

    Key Responsibilities

    Details of the job responsibilities.

  6. Select Save.

    WX displays the Job Description Detail view with the newly entered details:

If the manager creates the job description it is set to status Manager Draft. If the team member creates the job description it is set to status Team Member Draft. If the team member is not a Sage People registered user the manager created job description is set directly to status Active.

Select Download PDF to produce a PDF version of the Job Description at any stage of the process.