Viewing your Performance Overview

To view a summary of your Performance Overview:

In the menu, select the Performance Overview process:

Screenshot: Selecting the Performance Overview process

WX displays the Performance Overview page. Configuration depends on how the process has been set up, but can include sections for:

  • Details

    Such as Name, Division, Function, Number of direct reports.

  • Objectives

    All Objectives applying to the current review period. You can review Objectives in the Performance Overview and link to the Objectives process to execute actions.

    If there are no Objectives applying to the current Performance Review period, the Objectives section is not displayed.

  • Performance Review

    The current Performance Review. Not displayed for Performance Review Templates that only contain Continuous Feedback.

  • Continuous Feedback

    With an option to add feedback.

Sections are displayed if there is content. If there is no current Performance Review and no Objectives or Continuous Feedback, Performance Overview displays Details and the Performance Review sections and enables you to create a new Review.

Screenshot: Performance Overview Detail page

The initial view has the Performance Review section expanded by default and other sections closed. To open a section and display detail, select the title:

Screenshot: Expanding the Details section on a Performance Overview

WX opens the section:

Screenshot: Details section expanded on a Performance Overview

Your view of Performance Overview includes buttons, links, and actions relevant to you and the current status of the sections displayed:

Annotated screenshot: Buttons and icons on Performance Overview

To view your past performance reviews: 

Screenshot: Select Previous on the Performance Overview page to view past performance reviews

WX displays your most recently completed performance review. To view another past review, select Completed Reviews and then choose the past review you want to view:

Screenshot: Selecting Completed Reviews: to select a past review