Objective setting overview


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Enhanced objectives in Performance Management provide a simple and straightforward process for adding, editing, and maintaining objectives for performance review processes. This topic describes the objective lifecycle for enhanced objectives, for the legacy objectives version see Objective setting overview.

All objectives follow the same overall process:

  1. Creation by manager or team member by selecting Add a new objective or Add your first objectivein WX.

    The status of the new objective can be one of the following:

    • Draft

      When a team member or manager creates a new objective and saves it, the objective is saved as a draft with the status of Draft. An objective created by a team member is not visible to the manager, and an objective created by a manager is not visible to the team member. The creator can continue to edit the draft until they are ready to reveal it. The creator can also delete a draft objective.

  2. Revealing to manager or team member.

    After revealing, the status can be one of the following:

    • Manager Draft

      The Manager Draft status is used when a configuration option to require confirmation before activating objectives is enabled. An objective in Manager Draft status has been:

      • Prepared and revealed by the manager.


      • Prepared and revealed by the team member and then edited by the manager.

      Manager Draft objectives are waiting for the team member to look at them. The team member can:

      • Accept the objective as entered or amended by the manager. Select Confirm and Active on the objective detail view. The objective changes to Active status.


      • Make amendments to the objective. Edit the objective details and select Save. The objective changes to Team Member Draft status.
    • Team Member Draft

      The Team Member Draft status is used when a configuration option to require confirmation before activating objectives is enabled. An objective in Team Member Draft status has been:

      • Prepared and revealed by the team member.


      • Prepared and revealed by the manager and then edited by the team member.

      Team Member Draft objectives are waiting for the manager to look at them. The manager can:

      • Accept the objective as entered or amended by the team member. Select Approve and Activate on the Objective detail view. The objective changes to Active status.


      • Make amendments to the objective. Edit the objective details and select Save. The objective changes to Manager Draft status.
  3. Activation.

    When a configuration option to require confirmation before activating objectives is not enabled, objectives are activated when revealed, and move from Draft status to Active status.

    After activation, the status is Active. Active objectives and tasks associated with the objective can be edited. Active objectives can be reviewed.

    Active objectives cannot be deleted.

  4. Closure.

    After closing the objective, the status is Closed. After an objective has been closed by the manager or team member it cannot be reopened. It remains on the objectives list so it can be considered as part of an overall Performance Review.

As an objective goes through its lifecycle, its status changes. Status is displayed as a pill in the objective list and in the objective details.