Adding Continuous Feedback to a Performance Review

When set up to use Continuous Feedback, the Detail view of an ongoing Performance Review displays the Add Feedback link.

  1. Select Add Feedback:

    Screenshot: Add Feedback button on Performance Review page

    WX displays the Add Feedback view:

    Screenshot: The continuous feedback text area on Performance Review page

  2. Add your comment. Use the formatting options as necessary.
  3. Add any Actions related to the comment.
  4. Select Save:

    The feedback is added to the Detail view with the date and originator:

    Screenshot: Feedback list showing a comment

    Entries are listed in reverse date and time order, with the most recent at the top of the list.

    You can continue to use Add Feedback as long as the Performance Review is ongoing.

To edit the most recent feedback, select Edit Latest Feedback:

Screenshot: Feedback list on Performance Review page, with the cursor on Edit Latest Feedback button

WX displays the Edit Latest Feedback view:

Screenshot: Feedback comment open for editing

Make the changes you want and select Save.