Common issues when importing translations

Issue description in log How to solve
Maximum character limit (N) for CustomField translation exceeded

The translated label is too long for the label type. The label and the limit are indicated in the log message - the limit for help text is higher than for field label, for example.

Refer to Salesforce documentation for more information on label character limits.

No data to import If the file you import contains exactly the same contents as a previously imported file, the import fails and the log message states No data to import.
Wrong number of columns Tab characters are missing or there are too many of them. Check the tab characters are in right places on the line mentioned in the log message.
Invalid key: {label key} The system cannot find the label. This could because it is not used in your org or there is a typing error somewhere in the label key.
Error parsing XML

The structure of the XLIFF file is not correct. The log message indicates where and what the issue is.

Check all segments have the appropriate start and closing tags.

No language code specified in the file header

The target language code is missing from the header or matches the source language.

Check the header and update.

Your organization does not have language permissions for <language name> You have not added the language specified in the error to the Translation Settings in Translation Workbench.