Making a Group Member an Administrator in WX

As a Group Administrator, you can give Admin permissions to other Group members. Giving Admin status to a Group member grants them all the same permissions as you have as a Group Administrator: they can add and remove Group members, edit the Group details, give and remove Admin permissions and delete the Group in WX.

To make a Group member an Administrator:

  1. On My Groups, select the Group card.

    WX displays the Group details.

  2. On the Member list, select the down chevron next to the Group member you want to make an Administrator:

    Screenshot of Group Details page, pointing to the Member options down chevron

  3. Select Make Group Admin:

    Screenshot of a Group Member's options on Group Details page, pointing to Make Group Admin

    WX displays a confirmation message:

    Screenshot of Make Group Admin "Are you sure" message

  4. Select:

    • Make Group Admin to confirm the Group member as Administrator.
    • Cancel to return to Group details.