Add a group objective


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Role: Team Member

You can add an objective to a group where you are a group administrator. Group members who are not group admins cannot add or update group objectives.

To add a group objective:

  1. Go to your My Groups' Performance tab:

    Screenshot: Selecting My Groups' Performance tab

    Sage People displays your groups:

    Screenshot: My Groups dashboard

    Each group card shows the number of active objectives for the group.

  2. On the card for the group where you want to add an objective, select View:

    Screenshot: Group card on the My Groups' Performance dashboard, with the cursor on the View link

    Sage People displays objectives for the group. The objectives page for a group works in the same way as objectives for a team member, apart from Conversations, which is not available on the group objectives page.

  3. Select + Add your group's first objective or + Add a new objective.

  4. Enter details for the group objective, in the same way as for a team member objective:

    Screenshot: New Group Objective

  5. Select:

    • Save Draft to save the objective as a draft.
    • The down chevron icon, then Activate and Reveal to save the objective, make it active and reveal it to other group members.

    • Cancel to return to the group's Performance Management page.

    Once revealed and active:

    • Sage People sends an email notification to all group members with the objective title and a link to the objective.
    • All group members can access the objective via their My Groups' Performance dashboards, and view its details.
    • Group administrators can update the objective details, add, remove, and complete tasks, and end the objective.