Reviewing Objectives


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

On the Next Review Date, objectives are flagged as requiring a review. A Review button is displayed for the Objective on the Detail view for both the Manager and the Team Member:

Screenshots: The cursor on the Review button for an active Objective in WX

The reviewing manager also has an Action raised for them. The action appears on their Actions list and is also mailed to them on their regular Actions Digest.

Objectives can also be reviewed before the Next Review Date is reached.

To review an Objective as a Manager:

Select Review for the Objective on the Detail view:

Screenshot: Review button for an Objective

Sage People displays the Manager's Review Objective view:

Screenshot: Manager view for reviewing an Objective in WX

Expand Description to show a fixed set of fields:

Screenshot: The fixed fields in an Objective's description

Expand Attributes to display additional information that contributes to the review:

Screenshot: The Attributes section of an Objective in review

Attributes displays the fields included in the Objectives, Additional Attributes Field Set.

Review of Progress includes the following fields:

  • Progress - mandatory.

    Select the picklist and choose the appropriate value:

    For continuing objectives:

    • Ongoing: Above Track
    • Ongoing: On Track
    • Ongoing: Below Track

    For closed or completed objectives:

    • Closed: Exceeded
    • Closed: Achieved
    • Closed: Not Achieved
    • Closed: Canceled
  • Manager Comments - optional.

    A text field for comments on progress the Team Member has made towards achieving the Objective.

    For closed or completed objectives, indicate the final progress achieved.

  • Achievement - mandatory if displayed.

    Available as a policy option.

    Enter a percentage to indicate how much progress the Team Member has made towards achieving the objective. Enter a value in the field or drag the slider to the value you want.

    Useful for closing objectives, when the percentage achievement score can be used as part of a bonus calculation.

  • Next Review Date - mandatory.

    For continuing objectives:

    The date of the next review of this objective.

    If the Next Review Date is after the End Date for the objective, the objective is extended to the new date.

    For closed or completed objectives:

    The date is ignored and on saving the objective is marked as Closed.

Expand History to display previous comments entered for this Objective:

Screenshot: Objective history section showing previous comments added to the Objective

Select Save to close the objective review and save the values you have entered.

To review an Objective as a Team Member:

Select Review for the Objective on the Detail view:

Sage People displays the Team Member's Review Objective view:

Screenshot: The Team Member view of Objective in review

Expand Description to show a fixed set of fields:

Screenshot: The fixed fields in an Objective's description

Expand Attributes to display additional information that contributes to the review:

Screenshot: The Attributes section of an Objective in review

Attributes displays the fields included in the Objectives, Additional Attributes Field Set.

Objective Review includes a text box for the Team Member to enter their comments on progress towards achieving the Objective.

Expand History to display previous comments entered for this Objective:

Screenshot: Objective history section showing previous comments added to the Objective

Select Save to close the objective review and save the values you have entered.